Jesień to dla jednych bardzo urokliwa pora roku, kiedy mogą zajadać się szarlotką lub ciastem dyniowym, pić gorącą herbatę pod kocykiem i wreszcie odpocząć od tego całego męczącego letniego upału. Dla innych, ta pora roku kojarzy się głównie z brzydką pogodą, pluchą i przeziębieniem. Niezależnie od tego, do której grupy Wam bliżej – dziś przedstawię 10 angielskich wyrażeń o tematyce jesiennej – na pewno się przydadzą!
1. autumn years – the later years of a person’s life, especially after they have stopped working:
Now that you’re retired from work, how do you plan to spend your autumn years?
Tom has spend his autumn years travelling around the globe.
2. it’s raining cats and dogs! – It is raining extremely heavily
We wanted to go camping this weekend, but it’s been raining cats and dogs since Friday evening.
Take an umbrella with you, it’s raining cats and dogs!
3. a rotten apple – a person who is dishonest and therefore causes a lot of problems for the group.
Before you accuse the entire department of wrongdoing, you should try to find the rotten apple that initially caused the problem.
John has turned out to be the rotten apple, he’s been spoiling the atmosphere at work since his very first day at our company.
4. drive somebody nuts – to annoy or frustrate somebody to the point of irritation, anger
Stop listening to that song! You’ve been playing it all day, it’s driving me nuts!
I wish the neighbours would stop this renovation at their house already! The drilling is driving me nuts!
5. to shake like a leaf – to tremble because you are very cold or frightened / nervous
I was shaking like a leaf when I went up to deliver my speech in front of all those people.
I was shaking like a leaf when I was waiting in line to enter the restaurant – I forgot my jacket!
6. squirrel something away – to save or hoard something for future use
I’ve been squirreling away a little bit of money each so that I can afford a trip to Italy next summer.
I need to squirrel all my chocolate away before my children track it down.
7. to be nuts about something – to be very enthusiastic about something or someone
My daughter is nuts about this band—I’m going to buy her the tickets to their show for her birthday! She’ll be so happy!
Come one, you must see that Phil is just nuts about you! He brings you flowers and chocolates at least 3 times a week!
8. to turn over a new leaf – to start fresh, to change one’s behaviour in a positive way
Freddy has really turned over a new leaf—he hasn’t been in trouble in months. I’m really happy about that!
Instead of complaining about your life, maybe it’s time to turn over a new leaf and be a better person to everyone?
9. turn into a pumpkin – used when saying that you have to go home or go to bed
I’ve had a wonderful time, but I’m turning into a pumpkin. I think I’ll call a cab and head home.
Remember to bring Ally back home before the curfew – she’s turning into a pumpkin at eleven!
10. an old chestnut – a topic, saying, or joke that has been repeated so much that it isn’t funny anymore
Dad keeps on telling that old chestnut about how many blonds it takes to change a light bulb. I can’t stand it anymore.
How did you answer that old interview chestnut: `Why should I hire you?’
Jakie inne ‘jesienne’ wyrażenia znacie?
Joanna Zmysłowska-Kozyra,
Metodyk ds. Dzieci i Młodzieży
Lubelska SJO